Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

This is my transformative photo that changed how I view photography because I was able to follow the rules of composition. Taking this photo taught me how to get closer and capture the details of the flower. After taking this picture my views on photography became more positive because I used to feel like I didn't have the patience to take photos. Now I view photography as an incredible form of art.

Shape and Form are different. Shapes are flat and can express length and width, while form are 3-D expressing length, width, and depth. 
Pattern and repetition are also different. Pattern is the repeating of an object while repetition creates a sense of unity throughout the photo.

About page that inspired me:

My best project out of these three was the presentation project because this allowed me to realize that I enjoy taking pictures of nature. This was my best work because I followed the rules of composition and I really liked how my pictures turned out. This project changed me and allowed me to see differently. I now see photography in a different perspective and it has helped me become more patient.