Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

This is my transformative photo that changed how I view photography because I was able to follow the rules of composition. Taking this photo taught me how to get closer and capture the details of the flower. After taking this picture my views on photography became more positive because I used to feel like I didn't have the patience to take photos. Now I view photography as an incredible form of art.

Shape and Form are different. Shapes are flat and can express length and width, while form are 3-D expressing length, width, and depth. 
Pattern and repetition are also different. Pattern is the repeating of an object while repetition creates a sense of unity throughout the photo.

About page that inspired me:

My best project out of these three was the presentation project because this allowed me to realize that I enjoy taking pictures of nature. This was my best work because I followed the rules of composition and I really liked how my pictures turned out. This project changed me and allowed me to see differently. I now see photography in a different perspective and it has helped me become more patient. 

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

First Period:
The composition of Anish's photos are outstanding. His best pictures are from his presentation project which includes a variety of skies. Anish's best photo would have to be the one with the sun almost setting into the hills. Also, the viewers attention goes to the sun because it really pops out. The drifting clouds are captured perfectly.

Second Period:
Vedant's best picture would have to be the one of the leaves. This black and white filter really illuminates the leaves. This photo includes the intricate detail of the leaf in the front. The leaf in the back is out of focus. I really like the quality and composition of Vedant's photo.

Fourth Period;
Melissa's best picture reminds me of spring. The cherry blossoms are captured extremely well. It's a very vibrant photo and the blue background looks appealing as well.

Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot

PC: me                                                  PC: Catherine
                                                                Catherine's Blog

PC: Andrew
Andrews Blog

PC: Rudrik

   PC: Catherine
Catherine's Blog


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

3 Pictures With Background


(camera raw)

                                                                       ( original)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Principles of Design- Movement

This picture of an airport shows movement because my eye follows the patterns on the ceiling.

Contrast: +100
Whites: +31
Blacks:: -69
Clarity: +21

Monday, April 13, 2015

Elements of Art: Shape

No edits
This photo show shape because of the flat leaves which express length and width.

Elements of Art: Space

No edits
This photo shows space because of the depth.

Principles of Design: Variety

No edits
This photo shows a variety of size and shape.

Principles of Design: Proportion

No edits
This photo shows proportion because there is a sense of unity because all parts relate well with each other.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Lens Post:

1) Fast because the truck is frozen in motion.
2) This photo represents the rule of thirds because everything in this photo is balanced and can be divided into equal parts.
3) This photo shows form because of the three dimensional shapes which express depth and width.
4) This particular photo exhibits balance because there's a sense of stability and the elements in this photo are similar.

Shutter Speed: 150

Friday, March 27, 2015

Principles of Design- Repetition

This particular photo shows repetition of the stairs which give it a sense of unity.

Contrast: +53
Clarity: +59
Vibrance: +22

Principles of Design- Rythm

Contrast: +33
Exposure: -.85
Clarity: +61

This photo demonstrates rhythm because there is a variety of pictures in one mural. There's also a feeling of organized movement within this mural.

Principles of Design- Unity

This photo shows unity because the lockers are the same color, shape, and size which shows harmony.

Exposure: +0.45
Contrast: +100
Clarity: +38

Lens Photo - Variety

Photo #5
Shows variety:
This photo exhibits variety because of the movement.
The several elements such as the flute and drums hold my attention through and around the whole picture. There's also dancing which demonstrates movement. This photo also guides me through the number of people. Rhythm is also demonstrated in this photo through music which is exciting and active. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Gordon Parks' - Half Past Autumn

  1. My definition of success is being able to gain as much knowledge as possible and make a difference in the world.
  2. I have given up laziness in order to be successful.
  3. Parks gave up a stable and loving family.
  4.  Genevieve Young's father was Chauncey Hallcok Young. 
  5. Parks advanced to 10,000 dollars for the first seven pages.
  6. Elijah Muhammad offered Parks a half a million dollars to do a story of the nation of Islam.
  7. Parks felt it was wrong to accept the money but he needed the money but it went against his ethics. He earned respect from people because he turned the money down.
  8. The Learning Tree poser was placed in the records of the library of congress in Washington,Dc.
  9. Shaft was inspiring because he was a young black superhero. He wasn't affected by racism.
  10. Gordon Park's choice of weapons was a book that Gordon Parks wrote.
  11.  Genevieve Young gave reasons for the divorce and it included that too much was going on and they spent too much time apart but they're still good friends.
  12. In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. The recent film called Twelve Years a Slave told the same story. 
  13. Gordon Parks Jr. was the oldest son of Gordon Parks who was killed in a plane crash.
  14. My favorite Gordon photo is Evening Wraps, New York. 
  15. In ten years I will remember that Gordon Parks was the first African American to direct a major Hollywood movie (in 1969).

Friday, March 20, 2015

Principles of Design - Pattern

This photo exhibits pattern because there is a repeating object. This demonstrates different size objects that are the same on top of one another.
                                                                 (no edits)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Principles of Design- Emphasis

Contrast: +34
Blacks: -23
Clarity: +45

This picture shows emphasis because there's one area that stands out because its larger than anything else in the picture.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Principles of Art- Balance

Temperature: -12
Exposure: -0.55
Contrast: +68
Clarity: +16

This picture shows balance because the elements on the left are similar to the elements on the right which make it balanced. 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Elements of Art- Color

Exposure: +0.70
Temperature: +14 
Contrast: +16
Clarity: +3

Elements of Art- Form

Exposure: +0.55
Contrast: +23
Highlights: +3
Shadows: -94
Clarity: +100

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Elements of Art- Line


Exposure: -0.55
Contrast: -8
Shadows: -33
Whites: +27
Blacks: -25
Clarity: +74
Vibrance/ Saturation: -4

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Andrew and Rudrik's Assignment

Look from Behind, With Feeling

Favorite Photo #11

1) This photo is very intense and has alot of things going on.

2) This photo is also pretty gruesome which can induce alot of feelings and emotions.

3) It's also very realistic. This also makes me imagine what this scene would look like before the tragic event took place.

1) Texture
2) Rule of thirds
3) Symmetry and patterns
4) Perspective

Friday, February 20, 2015

Multimedia Festival 2015 poster

1) Why is this poster good?
    This poster is good because it's very informative and organized.

2) Why is it better than the last one?
     This poster is better than the last one because it is more organized and colorful. It also has more      information than the last one.

3) What did you do to create the poster?
    I helped with the discussion of making the poster and shared ideas about how to organize the information.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Period 3 Photo League Questions

  1. What was The Photo League's credo?
The camera was more than a means of recording reality; it was a device with the potential to change the world.
  1. What organization did The Photo League separate from?
The Film and Photo League
  1. What was the workshop?
The Photo League’s school, offering photography classes to anyone with a camera and $5 tuition. Director Sid Grossman insisted the goal of the photographer was to achieve an emotional connection with the subjects.
  1. Who taught "the workshop?"
Sid Grossman
  1. If you were to devote one year of your life to one project, what project is worth your time and energy?
    I would devote one year of my life to taking photographs of all kinds of animals.
  2. What was The Harlem Document?
The Harlem Document is a portfolio of photographs that reveals Harlem’s poor living conditions and neighborhood in the 1930’s.
  1. Who started The Harlem Document?
Aaron Siskind started The Harlem Document.
  1. A photographer discusses a photograph where "the children looked like they came out of a __________ painting. Who was the painter?
  1. Why did the photograph mentioned in #8 look like it was by the painter?
The kids all looked very sweet and innocent, but specifically the one sitting on the right had a perfect ray of light hitting his face, illuminating him.
  1. Who was Lewis Hine? (name two significant contributions)
He photographed child labor which showed children as young as eight working long   hours under dangerous conditions. Later in World War 1, Hine served as a photographer with Red Cross. He was also hired to record the construction of the Empire State Building.
  1. Who was Weegee?
Weegee was a photojournalist who took images of the aftermath of New York street crimes and disasters.
  1. How did The League change when The Nazis took power?
They became focused on supporting the war effort. They showed patriotism in America and gruesome descriptions of the war.
  1. How did The League change during WWII?
Photo League members enlisted with armed forces and took part in battles on every theatre of WWII.
  1. How did Siskind change after WWII?
Siskind turned away from the social and political world after WWII.
  1. What was the Saturday Evening post?
The Saturday Evening Post was a photojournalism magazine similar to LIFE.
  1. Who was Barbara Morgan? What did she photograph?
Barbara Morgan was an American photographer best known for her depictions of modern dancers.
  1. What eventually undermined the Photo League?
The Photo League was put on a list of possible totalitarian, communist, or fascist organizations, created by Tom Clark.
  1. What was the "Growing Menace" mentioned in the film?
  1. Who agreed to serve as President when The League was under investigation?
    W. Eugene Smith
What happened to the league?
FBI agent Angela Calomiris testified that Sid Grossman had recruited her from the Photo League into the Communist Party. Although the League was never officially on trial, people became scared and didn’t come anymore. Due to the loss of members, the Photo League closed down in the summer of 1951.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 3 Semester Final

  1. What is your favorite photo from this Lens slideshow? Provide three reasons that it is your favorite.            My favorite photo from this slideshow is the 7th photo of the night fest light show. This one is my favorite because of the different colors incorporated. This festival also celebrates the arrival of spring which is my favorite season. Overall this photo is very colorful and appealing.                                                                  
  2. Which photo is the best from the slideshow? Provide three reasons.                                                       The photo that is the best from the slideshow is the last one of the deer. It's almost as if it's the deer's shadow. The way the deer is being seen through the morning mist is remarkable. This photo is kind of dark because of the black color scheme.                                                                                                                                                                 
  3. What is your best work this semester? Include the blog link. Give three reasons why this is your best work. If you had more time, how would you do to improve the project.                                            ;postID=5024257794447715417;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=1;src=postname                            This photo is my best work this semester. I like the edits I made on this photo as well as the way it resembles the album cover that was recreated. Another reason why this is my best work is because                                            
  4. You chose three rules of composition. What are your three rules?                                                           My three rules of composition include framing, viewpoint, and rule of the thirds.                                                  
  5. Select one of your own photos that illustrates your ability to apply at least two of the three rules. Insert the photo into the post and label the picture. Clearly include the two rules of composition that you are using.                                                                                                                                                           
  6. I have three rules of composition. I have explained one already. What is my first rule?                             Your first rule of composition is cropping.                                                                                                     
  7. What are the benefits of working in groups? Provide a list with five benefits.                                             There are many benefits of working in groups. There is a sense of efficiency because everyone in the group is working together. Also everyone can give their input which makes the photos turn out better.        Another benefit is being able to get ideas from other people in the group. Also taking photos in a group is more fun. Lastly, everyone in the group can support and encourage each other to take better photos.          
  8. What are the difficulties of working in groups? List five difficulties.                                                           There are some difficulties of working in groups. There is less room for individuality because you have to think about the others in the group. Also people in the group might not wont to work with each other which can create chaos. Another difficulty is being on the same page in terms of how photos should be taken because there might be some disagreements. Lastly, there might be competition about who can take the best photo.                                                                                                                                           
  9. What is your favorite work product produced by another person in this class? Provide the link to their work.                                                                                                                                              My favorite work product is the picture of a cable car in San Francisco which is produced by Gracie.

A little history

10. You studied a master photographer and reproduced his or her work. Who was the photographer? What did the photographer contribute to the field of photographer? List one significant contribution.                                         I studied Henri Cartier- Bresson. He was the master of candid photography which is a significant contribution to the field of photography.

11. What is Dorothea Lange's most popular photo? (Does the photo have a name?) Where was the photo taken? When? What agency employed Dorothea when she took the photo? 
Dorothea Lange's most popular photo is called "Migrant Mother". This photo was taken in February or March of 1936  in Nipomo, California.

12. Who was the creator/founder of Life Magazine? When did the (photojournalism) magazine begin publishing?
Henry Luce was the founder of the Life Magazine. The photojournalism magazine began publishing on November 23, 1936.  

13. Robert Capa was a founding member of what organization? What year did the organization start?
Robert Capa was a founding member of Magnum Photos.The organization started in 1947.

14. Robert Capa took the photo known as "Falling Soldier." When and where did he take the photo?                      Rober Capa's photo known as "Falling soldier was taken on September 5th, 1936. This photo was taken 30 miles away from Cerro Muriano.