Monday, March 23, 2015

Gordon Parks' - Half Past Autumn

  1. My definition of success is being able to gain as much knowledge as possible and make a difference in the world.
  2. I have given up laziness in order to be successful.
  3. Parks gave up a stable and loving family.
  4.  Genevieve Young's father was Chauncey Hallcok Young. 
  5. Parks advanced to 10,000 dollars for the first seven pages.
  6. Elijah Muhammad offered Parks a half a million dollars to do a story of the nation of Islam.
  7. Parks felt it was wrong to accept the money but he needed the money but it went against his ethics. He earned respect from people because he turned the money down.
  8. The Learning Tree poser was placed in the records of the library of congress in Washington,Dc.
  9. Shaft was inspiring because he was a young black superhero. He wasn't affected by racism.
  10. Gordon Park's choice of weapons was a book that Gordon Parks wrote.
  11.  Genevieve Young gave reasons for the divorce and it included that too much was going on and they spent too much time apart but they're still good friends.
  12. In 1984, Parks directed Solomon Northrup's Odyssey. The recent film called Twelve Years a Slave told the same story. 
  13. Gordon Parks Jr. was the oldest son of Gordon Parks who was killed in a plane crash.
  14. My favorite Gordon photo is Evening Wraps, New York. 
  15. In ten years I will remember that Gordon Parks was the first African American to direct a major Hollywood movie (in 1969).

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